Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting to Know Them...All

I bolted from my first encounter with my friend Wayne's grandchildren. We had only known each other a few months and suddenly there was a confusion of three-year-old twins and a daughter, a son-in-law, and visits from not one but two ex-wives.

"I'm having a problem with woodchucks," ex-wife #1 announced. She had planted herself across from me at the kitchen table and was fixing me with an appraising glare.

"Vermonters?" I stammered, "Or, you know, the animals?"

"Woodchucks in my garden."

"Oh," I said.

"They're eating my plants. One was standing up on his hind legs reaching through the chicken wire to get to my raspberries," she said.

I giggled.

"It's not funny," she said.

Later, we all went to her house for dinner, and I found myself on my hands and knees in her soil, exchanging banter, digging a circular trench in which to plant marigolds, while she reigned above me beneath a floppy straw hat, hoe in hand. I threw small rotten green apples into a plastic bucket with the twins, Maggie and Ollie, while everyone else milled around, knowing each other and sharing years of history.

When ex-wife #2 arrived with her boyfriend the following day, I broke out in a paroxysm of panic. I was new to the all-embracing Buddhist concept of family. I hid in the bedroom.

"Are you ok?" Wayne asked, when he came to find me.

"Sure," I chirped. I was part way into a chartreuse linen dress.

"You look beautiful." he said.

But still. It was a question of place. After bocce on the lawn, endless platters of food, and cocktails (I don't drink) came dinner. Exes 1 & 2 knew where the plates went. They had a system.

"Hi Mollie," I sang to one of the twins the next day.

"It's Maggie," Samantha corrected gently, again.

I fled after pancakes. But, after a few days, and yes, everyone had left by then, I came back. Maybe my perception of family and relationships could stand a tweaking. Just because you're no longer married to someone doesn't mean they turn to smoke. After all, I have a few exes myself. There are one's children to consider and, in my case one's future grandchildren. There are bocce balls to roll on a summer lawn and fireflies to collect and stories to tell and future history - years of it - to share.


  1. Wonderful. Your writing is such a joy to read. More, more please.

  2. OMG, i can't stop laughing, Amy you are toooo funny and an amazing writer!!! This is awesome. I can actually picture you doing all of this stuff which make me laugh harder. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall with the ex's all togetherness...really, me and my sister used to tell our family we were going to the deli which was, of course, the corner bar!! Love ya Pam

  3. LOVE!!! Can sense the competitve spirit and the anxiousness..."woodchucks...'Vermonters?'". Love the ready for more!!! Thank you!!!
